Yin-Yang Yoga

Yoga for grounding your energies, calming your nervous system & finding peace. First move and be active (Yang), then be still and receptive (Yin). Life works best when we balance the two.

Sun, Moon, Sleep / 60 minutes
1. 20 minutes Sun Salutations
2. 20 Minutes Moon Salutations
3. 20 Minutes Yoga Nidra

Roar & Restore / 60 minutes
1. 30 minutes flow to release tension
2. 30 minutes legs up the wall

Stretch & Repose / 60 minutes
1. 30 minutes deep stretches
2. 30 minutes legs up the wall

Sun & Moon / 60 minutes
1. 30 minutes warming flow
2. 30 minutes restorative yoga

Inspiring Flow & Deep Relaxation / 60 minutes
1. 40 minutes dancing flow
2. 20 minutes Yoga Nidra

Yoga is not to be performed; it is to be lived. Yoga doesn't care about what you have been; it cares about the person you are becoming."
― Adhil Palkhivala